
Do I know the types of tests that the doctor has ordered?

Do I know the types of tests that the doctor has ordered?

There are many tests that can help your health care team find out what type of stroke you had, and why you had a stroke. Knowing this information allows you to better manage your health and lifestyle, and reduce your risk of having another stroke. Some tests can be done in the hospital or after you are home.

A chart can help you keep track of your tests. Your doctors may want to see this chart so they will know which tests have been done. If you have questions about test results, what they mean for you, and what needs to happen next, speak with your doctor.

Keep a calendar or journal of important dates, times and location of any tests you may be having

Having read the information in this section, consider the following questions.

  • Do I know the types of tests the doctor has ordered?
  • Do I know why I need the tests?
  • Do I understand the results of the tests I have had?
  • Are there any other tests I think I need?