Life after stroke

There is life after stroke.  Recovery is a lifelong process.

There is life after stroke.  Recovery is a lifelong process.  Most people notice the biggest improvements in the first few months after stroke.  However, people can continue to improve for many years.  This is because of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to form new connections after an injury such as a stroke.

There are many community programs that can help people continue to practice the skills learned in a group setting.  Fees may apply.

What can this look like?

  • It is important that you continue to work on improving your skills and abilities to participate in everyday life.
  • You should continue your home exercise programs.
  • You may want to get involved with community programs.
  • You should ensure your caregiver (if available) is managing and getting assistance when needed.
  • Continue to make informed lifestyle choices to stay healthy and reduce your risk of another stroke.

Who will you work with?

  • Community care providers will assess your ability to return to meaningful leisure or social activities, to driving and/or working if appropriate.
  • Ongoing visits with your care providers to reduce the risk of another stroke and ensure you are managing your concerns well.

There are many community programs that can help people continue to practice the skills learned in a group setting.  Fees may apply.

 For speech:

 For physical functioning:


For social support:

Some people recover by ‘giving back’ and helping others.  There are many opportunities to get involved as a volunteer to help others who require support.

Some people have goals that are better addressed with one-to-one therapy, and may choose to pay for private occupational therapy, physiotherapy or speech therapy treatment.  Some people have extended health benefits that can help to cover the cost.  Check with your insurance provider.  You can find therapists who provide private therapy through the following Ontario websites.  If possible, search for a therapist who specializes in stroke or neurological conditions.