Social support and activities

Recovery is about getting back to meaningful activities and living as independently as possible.

How do I continue activities I enjoy?

Recovery is about getting back to meaningful activities and living as independently as possible. Get back slowly into a routine and make sure to pace yourself.

The effects of stroke may require you to make changes in your daily life. But, you don’t have to give up all hobbies or leisure activities you enjoyed before your stroke. 

Your occupational therapist can help you to adapt some activities and learn to use assistive devices. Fishing and golfing are examples of such activities. 

You may also wish to explore new interests. Many community and day programs offer social, recreational and exercise activities for people living with stroke. 

Physical activity is a great way for you to:

  • Stay active
  • Reduce the risk of another stroke
  • Meet people
Programs and activities

Some programs or activities you may want to consider include:

  • Local community centre programs
  • Bowling leagues
  • Gardening programs
  • Pool programs
  • Group exercise classes like yoga, pilates or tai chi

The effects of stroke may require you to make changes in your daily life. It can be helpful to talk with others who have had a stroke for support. Peer support groups give you a chance to:

  • talk about your experiences
  • learn from others
  • get support from others who have had a similar experience

Having read the information in this section, consider the following

  • Are there activities I enjoy and want to continue but am not sure how to?
  • Am I able to visit the same places as before (for example: social events or place of worship)?
  • Do I want to join any social, recreational, or fitness programs?
  • Do I need any equipment so I can take part in social, recreational or fitness activities?
  • Are my family, friends and I coping well?
  • Am I interested in joining a support group for people who have had a stroke? Do I know where to find one? 

Where to get more information, help and support:

Aphasia Institute

March of Dimes Canada
After Stroke Program Stroke Support Line at 1-888-540-6666

Toronto Central Healthline

Abilities Canada

Heart and Stroke Foundation

Together in Movement and Exercise (TIME)